The stan models used by BayesianBombCarbon need to be compiled for your device. This is only necessary once, after installing or updating the package. This function compiles all models from the package.

bombcarbon_compile(model = NULL, force_recompile = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)



A character vector with a specific model to compile. If NULL (default), all models are compiled.


If TRUE, then models will be recompiled even if they have already been successfully compiled.


If TRUE, warnings and detailed errors from the compilation are printed. This can help to diagnose compilation issues.


If one or several models are not successfully compiled, please ensure that cmdstan is properly set up and try updating it to a newer version using cmdstanr::install_cmdstan(). If the problem persists, please run bombcarbon_compile(verbose = TRUE) and post the output in a new issue on GitHub, along with your cmdstanr::cmdstan_version().