
Running BayesianBombCarbon on a given dataset involves several steps. The key step is preparing the data with teh data_prep function. This function takes both a reference series dataset and/or a sample dataset with unknown true formation/birth years. If the reference series is supplied only, the reference series is fit with a Bayesian penalized B-spline. If a sample dataset is also supplied, then a reference series is fit while also estimating the aging bias of the sample dataset. Users can also pre-determine the formation/birth years the model will predict the reference series over in the data_prep function. The function est_model() will take the prepared dataset and using cmdstanr fit the designated model while extract_draws will pull the relevant posterior parameter samples from the fitted model. Lastly, users can use plot_fit to visualize the predicted reference series, posterior parameter distributions, and, if sample data is supplied, the observed and bias-adjusted samples.

First, we must load the R library.

Reference series

Using the provided simulated dataset

The provided dataset is a data.frame that was simulated from a hypothetical reference series with a damped oscillating linear decay function after the peak of ∆14C. Three columns are provided but only BY and C14 are used by the data_prep function.

# We can visualize the reference series data
with(sim_ref, plot(BY,C14, pch=16, xlab="Reference/Birth Year",
plot of chunk sim_ref_viz

plot of chunk sim_ref_viz

Preparing a reference series only dataset for estimation

To prepare a dataset for estimation, we need to provide at least one data.frame with named columns of BY and C14 that provide the reference series data to the function data_prep. Internally, data_prep assesses what dataset(s) you’ve provided and generates a named list object with a two components, 1. a character vector in the flag component that tells other functions what model was setup and 2. a named list with the data parsed and matched the stan model format.

df <- data_prep(df_ref = sim_ref)
#> No values provided in df_unk, skipping validation and estimating reference series only

We can also provide further specifications of the knots used in the penalized B-spline with arguments: + knot.min - sets the minimum number of knots, default of 10. + knot.adj - divisor in number of knots = number of reference series data points/knot.adj, default is 4. + fixed.knot - integer number of fixed number of knots that overrides knot.adj calculation + spline.degree - polynomial degree, default is 3. + pad.spline - fraction of the range of formation/birth years in the reference series that is padded to the beginning and end of the knot locations, default is 1%.

We can also change the locations of the predicted reference series through the argument pred.by. Prediction is accomplished within the model in the generated quantities section in the stan model. We can either provide a vector of formation/birth years desired to pred.by or we can provided a named list to pred.by to set up a sequence call: + min.by - minimum year of the formation/birth year prediction sequence + max.by - maximum year of the formation/birth year prediction sequence + inc.by - formation/birth year increment of the prediction sequence

Estimating a reference series only

Now that we have covered the data preparation, let’s estimate the reference series. This function will also estimate other models by checking the flag component of the data list setup by the data_prep function. Additional arguments can be provided to est_model that control the behavior of the cmdstanr::sample call. Run ?cmdstanr::sample to view the possible arguments. For most reference series, the default cmdstanr::sample arguments work fine. You may wish to set parallel_chains argument equal to the default number of chains=4 to achieve parallel processing. Though, estimating reference-series only models is generally extremely fast (< 10 secs on the author’s machine).

fit <- est_model(data = df, show_messages = FALSE, show_exceptions = FALSE)

The est_model function returns a named list with model containing the stan model code that was sampled from and fitted which contains the output from cmdstanr::sample. Functions that work on CmdStanMCMC objects produced from cmdstanr::sample also work on this fit$fitted object.

fit$fitted$summary(variables = c('C14_pred'))
#> # A tibble: 81 × 10
#>    variable     mean median    sd   mad    q5   q95  rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
#>    <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 C14_pred[1] -52.4  -52.6  5.18  5.17 -61.0 -44.1 1.00     4162.    4055.
#>  2 C14_pred[2] -52.0  -52.1  4.95  5.04 -60.2 -43.9 1.00     4041.    3736.
#>  3 C14_pred[3] -51.1  -51.0  4.92  4.80 -59.2 -43.0 1.00     3990.    3694.
#>  4 C14_pred[4] -50.2  -50.1  4.92  4.91 -58.2 -41.9 0.999    3778.    3718.
#>  5 C14_pred[5] -50.1  -50.1  4.94  4.92 -58.0 -41.7 1.00     3873.    3685.
#>  6 C14_pred[6] -50.8  -50.8  4.99  4.95 -59.1 -42.5 1.00     4062.    3688.
#>  7 C14_pred[7] -51.1  -51.1  5.10  4.99 -59.6 -42.9 1.00     4076.    3794.
#>  8 C14_pred[8] -49.5  -49.5  4.94  4.89 -57.7 -41.4 1.00     3745.    3586.
#>  9 C14_pred[9] -47.8  -47.8  5.03  5.13 -56.0 -39.6 1.00     3866.    3833.
#> 10 C14_pred[1… -46.9  -46.9  5.08  5.08 -55.4 -38.5 1.00     4187.    3873.
#> # ℹ 71 more rows

Extracting posterior draws

Posterior draws of parameters can be accomplished by calling cmdstanr::draws on the fit$fitted CmdStanMCMC object produced through est_model or a wrapper function is provided as extract_draws that grabs the relevant parameters based on the the model type that was estimated. This wrapper function inherently skips over some of the nuisance parameters that are estimated pertaining to the knots in the penalized B-spline.

ext <- extract_draws(fit = fit)

Plotting fit

Lastly, we can visualize our model fit using plot_fit. This function takes both the data object from data_prep and the extracted draws from extract_draws to generate the plot.

plot_fit(df = df, ext = ext)
plot of chunk plot_ref_viz

plot of chunk plot_ref_viz

Integrated method - reference series + unvalidated samples

BayesianBombCarbon also has an integrated method for jointly estimating the reference series and the aging bias present in a set of samples with unvalidated formation/birth years. In the penalized B-spline, this requires adjusting the knot contribution to each unvalidated sample each time a new aging bias (formation/birth year adjustment) is trialed. This massively increases the runtime but, in the author’s biased opinion, is well worth the wait. The setup is very similar to the reference series only estimation.

Integrated method data preparation

We can used the provided simulated reference series data in sim_ref and the accompanying unvalidated simulated samples in sim_unk. The latter have a fixed aging bias of +1 year.

# We can visualize the reference series data
with(sim_ref, plot(BY,C14, pch=16, xlab="Reference/Birth Year",
       ylab=expression(Delta^14*C~"(\u2030)"), las = 1))
legend('topleft', legend = c('Reference','Test'), pch = 16, col = c('black','red'))
plot of chunk sim_unk_viz

plot of chunk sim_unk_viz

We need to supply two data.frames both with named columns of BY and C14. One is the reference series, provided to argument df_ref, and another is the unvalidated samples, provide to arugment df_unk in the data_prep function.

df_int <- data_prep(df_ref = sim_ref, df_unk = sim_unk)

An additional argument ll_wt is added to the $data object from the data_prep call that up-weights the reference series data relative to the unvalidated samples. This is to keep the reference series estimation from chasing the unvalidated samples. This is set at a default of 5 but if your reference series is very spotty where you have unvalidated samples, you may wish to increase this value. It has no associated runtime cost.

Estimating an integrated penalized B-spline

Just as with the reference series estimation, we call est_model to estimate the integrated model. We do recommend adjusting the cmdnstanr::sample arguments when running the integrated model to at least increase the warmup iterations. We also recommend setting up parallel processing with the parallel_chains argument as these models have longer runtimes. You may also receive a warning that some transistions hit the maximum treedepth of 10. This can be resolved by changing the max_treedepth argument to > 10.

fit_int <- est_model(data = df_int, iter_warmup = 3000, parallel_chains = 4, show_messages = FALSE, show_exceptions = FALSE)

Extracting posterior draws

Just as before, we can extract posterior draws using the extract_draws wrapper function. Note, that you should provide the data_prep object to the df argument so that an additional posterior will be generated of BY_adj, which adjusts the unvalidated formation/birth years by the posterior of the aging bias/adjustment.

ext_int <- extract_draws(fit = fit_int, df = df_int)

Hypothesis testing

With the posterior parameter draws of the integrated model, you can conduct formal hypothesis testing of whether your ages are valid. This is an explicit advantage of the integrated approach that traditional sum of square approaches do not have. To do this, we recommend the bayestestR package.

p_map(ext_int$adj, null = 0)
#> MAP-based p-value
#> Parameter | p (MAP)
#> -------------------
#> adj       |  < .001

This returns the Bayesian equivalent of the p-value, see ?bayestestR::p_map for more details. The argument null can be changed to also explicitly test other null ages and ask “is my aging bias significantly than X?”.

Plotting fit

Lastly, we can visualize our integrated model using plot_fit.

plot_fit(df = df_int, ext = ext_int)
plot of chunk plot_unk_viz

plot of chunk plot_unk_viz

Note that additional features are plotted. The original unvalidated formation/birth years are shown in the red circles while the adjusted formation/birth years, along with their credible interval, are shown in the red ticks. Additional, the posterior densities of the aging bias/adjustment is provided. A vertical, dashed red segment will highlight zero if the posterior overlaps or is adjacent to zero. This provides a visual equivalent of the hypothesis test conducted earlier.

Future work

BayesianBombCarbon is under development though the core functionality will remain mostly unchanged in the future. Additional models will be provided, such as the coupled function from Kastelle et al. (2011), that will have the reference series only and integrated method capabilities. General improvements have also been made to the sum of squares aging bias estimation approach, first presented in Kastelle et al. (2008), that will supported soon. If you have suggestions/requests/bugs, please reach out to .